Panama’s president Varela makes the first official visit in China since starting diplomatic relationships. He will be accompanied by a bigger delegation consisting of 5 ministers and a lot of business representatives.
In June 2017 Panama set up diplomatic relationships with China officially. This could be very interesting for Panama.
Following the announcement of a US $ 1,8 Bln infrastructure investment by Shanghai Gorgeous, Panama could come on the radar screen as an investment hub for China in Latin America.
Since 2015 several Chinese companies moved their regional headquarters to Panama, e.g. Haweii or China Construction America (CCA) and they announced already new investments, e.g. CCA US$ 200 Mio. for the new Convention Center.
It will be interesting to see what happens, if the Chinese will be starting investing seriously in Panama!
And many other reason to considered invest in Panama. There is no doubt about it, Panama has been one of the fastest growing international destinations!
At the follow article you can read more about it, Have a look, HERE!